Ⓒ Michael De Lausnay
Discover the many facets of the fascinating world of fungi during CurieuCity#2 at Ten Weyngaert.
An immersive evening dedicated to the fascinating world of fungi during CurieuCity#2 at Ten Weyngaert.
De 10e editie van Ecopolis, het festival voor een rechtvaardige(re) toekomst, focust op de urgentie van hoopvol activisme.
In light of recent events, the lecture of Ariella Aïsha Azoulay has been cancelled.
In light of recent events, the screening has been cancelled.
Karen Barad intra-acts with the thematics of Manuela Infante’s latest piece Horizon.
Feestelijke Entr'Acte waarbij Hugo Thienpont verschillende gasten uitnodigt die hem op een of andere manier inspireren.
Netwerkevent voor werkgevers van de toekomst.
Artist Chiara Bersani and curator and producer Giulia Traversi reflect on the theory and practice of care.
Key notes and panel discussion with Srećko Horvat and Chloé Mikolajczak on the future of Brussels and its role as a capital of imagination and ideas.
A musical theater performance that allows the hushed voices of life underwater to speak.