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Goedele Nuyttens: Coordinator
32 (0)495 938 862

Ine De Bock: Communication Officer
Out of office on Fridays
32 (0)477 602 035

Goedele Nuyttens

Meet Goedele, the dynamic coordinator of Crosstalks. With her background in Language & Literature and extensive publishing expertise, she combines creativity with organizational skills to foster interdisciplinary collaborations. A natural matchmaker, she thrives on facilitating unexpected encounters between artists and researchers. Those who know Goedele recognize her commitment to community engagement in her volunteer work and role as a board member for Hiros, RoSa and Moussem Nomadic Arts Centre. Additionally, Goedele is your go-to person for recommendations on must-read books, podcasts, and films.

Ine De Bock
Communication officer

As Crosstalks’ enthusiastic communication officer, Ine is on a mission to translate the essence of the Crosstalks activities into a language that resonates with our audiences. With a background in production and event management, she enjoys all things practical regarding the organization of the Crosstalks activities. In her free time, Ine is always on the lookout for new culinary hot spots and enjoys experimenting with baked creations to get her 2-year-old to eat vegetables (tips always welcome).

Jorrit Smit
Jorrit Smit
Scientist in Residence

Jorrit Smit combines his background in physical chemistry and science and technology studies to explore how socio-technic futures shape scientific research – and vice versa. He is currently focused on the politics of technofixes like ‘clean’ hydrogen, carbon capture and green fertilizer. Using an interdisciplinary approach, he critically analyzes the relationships between public research and (fossil) industries as well as the political limits embedded in feasibility and sustainability assessments of emerging technologies. As part of his research, Jorrit collaborates with Naïmé Perrette on a film essay about an unexpected energy source: ‘natural’ hydrogen. Stay tuned!