14:00: Paul Halstead (University of Sheffield): 'Human Diet and Living Standards in the Mediterranean Longe Durée (7th mill. BC to present day)
15:30: Frits Heinrich (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen): 'Cereals and Ancient Malnutrition'
Paul Halstead is an archaeologist/zooarchaeologist who teaches at the University of Sheffield and has specialised in the later (Neolithic & Bronze Age) prehistory of Greece and in the prehistory and early history of farming and herding in the Mediterranean. His research draws heavily on first-hand oral history and ethnography of traditional farming and herding in the Mediterranean.
Frits Heinrich studied History (BA, 2009) and Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology (BA, 2010, Research MA, 2011) at University of Groningen and obtained an MSc in Archaeological Science at the University of Oxford (Brasenose College) in 2012. Since 2012 he works at University of Groningen on his NWO-funded PhD project Productive Landscapes: an interdisciplinary inquiry into the productivity of crop husbandry in the Roman Empire: 200 B.C. - A.D.500. He also is an Adam Smith Fellow in Political Economy at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Frits’ primary research interest is the Roman agricultural economy, a topic that he approaches through combining economics, archaeobotany, biochemistry and the written sources.
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