How to thrive in the next economy? An explosion of new economy models is surfacing all around the world: Sharing; Peer-to- Peer platforms; Cloud commuting; Bioregions; Local money; Social farming; Care cooperatives; Transition Towns.
Something is happening - but is there a pattern? In his new book How To Thrive In the Next Economy, John Thackara argues that these projects around the world are signals of transformation. They are the building blocks of a new kind of infrastructure - a social one - that implies a new definition of value itself as people find new ways to meet daily life needs.
"The words we choose are important as we try to make sense of these new times. One man's energy descent is another woman's energy transition. Talk of an impending crisis is scary: realizing that the crisis is already underway, less so. The end of growth sounds grim - but it is not the end of life.", thus Thackara in the intro of How To Thrive in the Next economy.
12:00: Lecture by John Thackara
12:40: Input by Joannes Vandermeulen (Namahn) & Marleen Wynants (Crosstalks)
12:50: Open discussion & lunch
14:00: End
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