Ⓒ Michael De Lausnay
Conversation with Ariella Aisha Azoulay, Professor of Modern Culture and Media at Brown University, on imperial archives and alternate histories.
Keynote by Srećko Horvat at the Brussels2030 Summer Assembly, envisioning a bolder, fairer, and more equal future for Brussels and Europe.
A conversation on ecofeminism between curator Suzana Milevska, activist Myriam Bahaffou and moderator Philsan Osman
Online lecture by Afghan film maker Sahraa Karimi on the importance of telling the story of the women of Afghanistan.
Vrouwelijke filmmakers en programmatoren gaan aan de hand van films uit de Maghreb en het Midden-Oosten in gesprek over vrouwen en film.
Through video blogs, Graciela Dutrieux shares the process and results of the mapping of Black womxn and feminist networks in Brussels.
Anita L. Allen elaborates on privacy through the lenses of race and gender, followed by a Q&A with Gloria González Fuster and Sabrine Ingabire.
In these two texts Anita Allen, Erin Mack and Eden Osucha examine privacy through the lenses of race and gender.
Lecture by sociologist Julia O'Connell Davidson on modern forms of trafficking and slavery and interview with Gie Goris (MO*).
Journalist Ewald Pironet talks to the American economist Joseph E. Stiglitz.
Thomas Piketty in conversation with Béatrice Delvaux (Le Soir) and Jeroen Zuallaert (Knack).
BRUZZ-reportage over 'The racial origins of fatphobia', een samenwerking van VUB Crosstalks met Black History Month Belgium en VUB RHEA.
Lecture by Sara Ahmed on abuses of power within universities and the painstaking labor of trying to transform institutions.
Fatima Mernissi Leerstoel debat over de dekolonisering van de academische wereld met Nadia Fadil, Sarah Bracke, Sophie Withaeckx en Bambi Ceuppens.
Caroline Pauwels (VUB) on the stimulation of wonderment in the book ‘Go with the Flow and Stay with the Trouble’, edited by Marleen Wynants.
Article by Marleen Wynants in AI & Society (Springer-Verlag) on the power of swamplab residencies.
Part 2 of the Crosstalks x The Word x Privacy Salon radio broadcast at the CPDP-conference.
Part 1 of the Crosstalks x The Word x Privacy Salon radio broadcast at the CPDP-conference.
Go with the Flow and... fosters voices and networks that enable encounters surpassing established disciplines and domains.
Un portrait de l'Afrique coloniale ainsi qu'une chronique intime d'un jeune père de famille.
Border-crossing perspectives on water technologies, future and current challenges, and governance.
Een momentopname van een alsmaar groeiende beweging van onderzoekers, ondernemers en denkers die vorm willen geven aan een duurzamere wereld.
100 tangible local and global initiatives for social and ecological change.
Through a series of workshops, Crosstalks explored the future role, price setting, access to and added value of medicines.
A particular collection of articles baised on the discussions, insights and perspectives raised during the Brave New Interfaces workshop.
Crosstalks explores the probing issue of “Free and Open Source Software” from an interdisciplinary and wide-angled perspective.
Isabelle Stengers, Marisol de la Cadena and Mihnea Tanasescu make us rethink the Western idea of personhood.
Scientists and researchers uncover recent and ancient scientific and philosophical scholarship on the roles, functions and wisdom of fungi.
Artists and researchers explore the speculative tradition of plant fiction, called 'Radical Botany'.
Zakiyyah Jackson adresses the human-animal distinction that persistently reproduces the racial logic in orders of Western thought.
Geertrui Cazaux, Agnes Trzak, Anaïs Van Ertvelde and Olava Nduwanje explore the intersections between animal liberation and disability liberation.
During the three-day-program, researchers, activists and artists explored the meaning and potential of justice in a multi-species world.
This Lexicon is made as a tool for the Series of More-Than-Human Encounters. With each new talk, we filter out new terms to add here.
Two texts by Maneesha Deckha on the notion of animals as legal beings.