Ⓒ Michael De Lausnay
This year’s Fatima Mernissi commemoration focuses on the Israeli war in Gaza and Lebanon while honoring the work of Jocelyne Saab.
Critical reflection on connected medical data & devices and genomics with Stelarc, Koen Kas, Marc Noppen, Guy Nagels, Johnny Duerinck a.o.
Fatima Mernissi Leerstoel debat over de dekolonisering van de academische wereld met Nadia Fadil, Sarah Bracke, Sophie Withaeckx en Bambi Ceuppens.
Dialogues on residencies for scientists, artists and other thinkers. With Sophie Nys, John Tresch and others.
Les lois qui font obstacle au traitement équitable des femmes musulmanes sont nombreuses : par exemple, la loi marocaine sur l'héritage qui stipule q…
Sinds 2005 organiseert Crosstalks constructieve dialogen over gezondheid en toekomstgerichte gezondheidszorg, over alle disciplines, organisaties en …
The concept of a crime-terror nexus has been debated – and criticized - for several decades. Due to the recent terrorist attacks, this new crime-terr…
Redelijk Eigenzinnig / Reason and Engage (VUB) is an interdisciplinary course for students and a series of lectures and activities open to all. The…
Ode aan Fatima Mernissi door Aya Sabi, Anissa Boujdaini en Yousra Benfquih.