Ⓒ Michael De Lausnay
This year’s Fatima Mernissi commemoration focuses on the Israeli war in Gaza and Lebanon while honoring the work of Jocelyne Saab.
Lectures en discussion on the increasing workload of employees.
Lecture on new perspectives that can enable citizens’ movements to become more effective, develop better technologies and reform our economic systems
What can we learn from primary care systems accross the nations?
Workshop on the paradigm shifts in the training of primary health carers.
Présentation du livre 'Roger Casterman - topographe au Congo. 1926-1936'.
Presentatie van het Crosstalks-boek 'Age', dat weerwerk biedt aan de perceptie van ouder worden als een economische en maatschappelijke last.
Lecture by (zoo)archaeologist Paul Haltead on the human diet and living standards in the Mediterranean Longe Durée.
Three scientists share their successes and failures in interdisciplinary collaboration.